Waster Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Toruń, removes and transports waste, including hazardous waste, throughout Poland.
Waster has established its position on the Polish market due to a thriving collection network. We transport waste to reputable recycling plants, including the Oiler Recycling plant in Tczew, where raw materials are recovered from it. In accordance with the Polish law, we record waste collection and transport in the BDO and SENT (PUESC) systems.
For many years, the company operated as Krajowa Sieć Zbiórki Olejów Odpadowych (the National Waste Oil Collection Network), administered by Oiler SA. It became a separate legal entity in 2017 and now has branches and offices throughout Poland.
Waster Sp. z o.o. is a medium-sized company with 59 employees. 100% of the company’s shares are owned by Oiler SA.